Monday, 17 October 2011

The Best Things in Life are Free.

I don't really feel secure about writing down here and explaining the whole story plot since the animation is still in the making and the blogspot can be easily accessed by anyone but despite that I can try vaguely say what I want to show in my animation...

The story is about the shadow fed up with the behavior of his owner to the point that decided to punish him by stealing a ''day'' from his life. The main character John is turned into the ''shadow's shadow'' and watch his own frolic around and enjoy what he undervalued for so long. Be it simple pleasures like feeding doves or love of a certain woman.

Some people find this story funny and some find it dark but what I really wish people could see in it are the little morals and meanings I placed here and there.
It always pained me to see people this days looking for and pleased only with the ''very best'' products and lives while they can find those things [and have them just as good] right next to themselves. They just rarely notice them. Why some people go to the fancy restaurants and pay hundreds of dollars for the bowl of the ice creams while they can have one just as good in the cafe around the corner? Why someone crave for the love from the famous people while somebody else who lives on the same street might love this person just as much if not more? The best things in life don't have the price tag on.

Maybe it wasn't only the anger behind the shadow's actions? Maybe he tried to help his owner realise the value of the simple pleasures of life by triggering in him jealousy? I sometimes feel like the shadow is the most developed character from all in the story, despite him being, well...''just a shadow''.

Talking about shadow, there is a lot in the beginning of the poem about spitting on him, but I wouldn't take it literally. It's more about hurting [even if not intentionally] and ignoring the closest people. Those which stay by someone else's side even when everyone else already turned the back on this person. At some point in John's case it could look like as if he was so despicable that even his shadow didn't wanted to spend with him time...but as I said earlier there was a different reason behind his actions.

[I like this photo by forgotenx. It reminds me of my animation.]

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